Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bianchi Sport SX road bike! AwwShit

My cousin has been trying to get a hold of me the past couple of days to check the tire/tube on his bike. I didn't think much, I expected a mountain bike. Most people around here have mountain bikes. Its a shame to see so many but I do see why you would in some ways but really... why? Anyway, I had him come by last night. I get anxious so I pace back and forth waiting till they show up and what they pulled out of the truck blew my mind. I immediately walked outside to check it out to see a Bianchi road bike! I owned a Binachi once but unfornately it was too big for me. (check HERE to see mine)

This frame was in amazing condition. Its a Bianchi Sports SX. The color is a blue-ish with a dash of purp throw in almost. Beautiful bike. It was loaded with a Shimano de-railer that still worked on the bike. Dia-compe brakes and levers. This was actually his dads who bought it a long time ago. Its awesome to see some family in the bike world, especially when they are sporting bikes like this. 

Now to the pictures!

There is something about Bianchi bikes I enjoy. Someday I will own my dream Bianchi bike. 

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